Link light rail evacuation instructions

1) For your safety, stay on the train! Wait for instructions from the train operator or emergency personnel.

Illustration showing the words "Attention, please stay on train" from a light rail train's speaker system.

2) Do not go on the trackway! Track switches can change the direction of train travel at any time.

Illustration asking passengers not to step on the trackway.

3) Do not touch any downed wires or metallic objects. Assume all wires have an active power current.

Illustration asking passengers not to touch any downed wires or metallic objects.

4) If you are underground, follow instructions from the operator and emergency personnel for the safest way out of the tunnel. Do not enter any doorways, unless instructed, as they lead to the other side of the track and oncoming trains.

Illustration showing emergency personnel leading passengers through a tunnel.

5) If you are evacuated from the train on an elevated track, you will exit onto the pathway next to the tracks. Please remain there until emergency personnel can help you down.

Illustration showing emergency personnel leading passengers on a pathway.