Board of Directors documents search
10 results
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Published date: 08/03/23
Adopts a Board Policy for the Sound Transit Tacoma Link Light Rail Substance Abuse Program....
Published date: 08/30/19
Approves the submittal of Sound Transit’s 2019 Title VI Program to the Federal Transit Administrat...
Published date: 08/30/19
Approval of the Title VI service monitoring results prior to the submittal of Sound Transit’s 2019...
Published date: 08/30/19
Published date: 09/21/17
Published date: 09/22/16
Published date: 09/26/13 Superseded by Resolution No. R2022-19
Resolution No. R2013-19: Establishing policies for conducting equity analyses of Fare Changes impact...
Published date: 09/26/13 Superseded by Resolution No. R2022-19
Resolution No. R2013-18: Establishing policies for conducting equity analyses of Major Service Chang...
Published date: 10/11/07
Appointing Peter Guzman and Lorraine Samano to the Diversity Oversight Committee....
Published date: 01/25/07
The following persons were appointed to serve on the Diversity Oversight Committee, pursuant to Boar...