Board of Directors

The 18-member Sound Transit Board includes elected officials and the Secretary of the Washington State Department of Transportation.

Sound Transit is governed by an 18-member Board made up of local elected officials proportional to the population included in the Sound Transit district. Three members are from Snohomish County; 10 from King County; and four from Pierce County. The last seat is held by the Washington State Secretary of Transportation.

Find the Board member(s) from your community

The Board establishes policies and gives direction and oversight. It is empowered under state law to identify ballot measures for voter approval of regional transit projects and maintains the Long-Range Plan that identifies potential projects to submit to voters.

At critical milestones of every voter-approved project, the Board makes key decisions by adopting budgets, identifying alternatives to include in environmental review, selecting the preferred alternative, determining the final project to be built and establishing baselines for project scope, schedule and budget. The Board also approves major contracts.

The Board and its committees work in open, regularly scheduled meetings. Attend and take the opportunity to provide public comment. The Board’s rules can be found in Resolution No. R2023-01.

View the Board's current programmatic work plan. Please note that the items and schedules shown are subject to change.