Critical access issue
In effect: Sep. 19, 6:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
1 Line
Passengers requiring elevator service must go to another station.
To ride the 1 Line:
1. Go to Bus Bay 1.
2. Take King County Metro southbound RapidRide A Line to International Blvd & S 176th St for SeaTac/Airport Station.
3. Take the elevator near Bus Bay 1 up to the pedestrian bridge to enter the station.
To exit the station from the Lynnwood platform:
1. Reboard the 1 Line.
2. Exit the 1 Line at International District/Chinatown Station.
3. Go to the King County Metro Bus Stop at 4th Ave S & S Jackson St.
4. Take southbound route 124 to return to Tukwila International Blvd Station.
To exit the station from the Angle Lake platform:
1. Board the 1 Line.
2. Exit the 1 Line at SeaTac/Airport Station.
3. Go to the King County Metro bus stop at International Blvd & S 176th St.
4. Take northbound RapidRide A Line to Tukwila International Blvd