Board of Directors documents search

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Published date: 06/06/24

Amends the adopted 2024 Budget for the Passenger Information Management System program by (a) increa...

Published date: 03/24/05

Acquire, dispose, or lease certain real property interests by negotiated purchase, by condemnation (...

Published date: 05/02/24 Supersedes Resolution No. R2009-24 and Motions Nos. M2002-48 and M2002-22.

Adopting a System Expansion Project Scope and Betterments Policy and superseding Resolution No. R200...

Published date: 08/12/21

Selects the project to be built for the Stride Bus Rapid Transit Maintenance Base project supporting...

Published date: 08/05/21 As amended by Resolution No. R2023-04

A RESOLUTION of the Board of the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority establishing a flexi...

Published date: 07/07/22 Supersedes Resolution Nos. R2013-18 and R2013-19

Adopting a Disparate Impact and Disproportionate Burden Policy and superseding Resolution Nos. R2013...

Published date: 10/28/21

Establishing a CEO Selection Committee for the period of time necessary to develop a recommendation ...

Published date: 05/04/23

(1) Approves the chief executive officer’s declaration that portions of three parcels adjacent to ...