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Public Hearing on the Transit Development Plan 2021-2026 and 2020 Annual Report

September 2, 2021 | -

The purpose of this hearing is to receive public comment on Sound Transit's Transit Development Plan 2021-2026 and 2020 Annual Report.

In accordance with RCW 35.58.2795, Sound Transit is required to prepare a six-year transit development plan and annual report, as well as conduct a public hearing.

This Transit Development Plan consists of Sound Transit's proposed program to meet state and local priorities for Sound Transit's existing transportation services, including capital improvements under Sound Move, Sound Transit 2 approved by voters in November 2008, Sound Transit 3 approved by voters in November 2016, operating changes to the existing system, and how Sound Transit will fund existing program needs over the next six years following the conclusion of the agency's realignment effort.  Information about the proposed plan is provided on the Sound Transit website at

**Please note: In order to limit the spread of COVID-19, this meeting is taking place virtually.

How to provide comments at the public hearing

In order to comment at the public hearing, you will need to sign up in advance.

Sign up to Comment

The sign up window will be open from 8 a.m. to 8:55 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 2. Sign up requires your name and email address. Commenters will be called on by name in the order they signed up.

For more information on the public hearing or to request ADA accommodation, please call Sound Transit at (800) 201-4900, TTY Relay 711, or go to

To participate in the public hearing via computer or smart phone

Join the Hearing

The WebEx software requires that you enter a name, email address, and the meeting password. Sound Transit will not verify this information or use it to contact you. The password is automatically entered in the field for you, but if it is missing, please enter the following password: Agency

To join the meeting via audio only

Call 415-655-0002 or 206-207-1700, then enter access code: 146 890 4174 and pin code: #.

The video and audio connections will be available during the hearing, scheduled from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. on Sept. 2, 2021. The meeting will be recorded and posted to the website 24-48 hours after the meeting.