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​​​​​​​Stride BRT Industry Day

April 24, 2024 | -
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Industry Day is a voluntary, pre-procurement event that is intended to provide information about upcoming opportunities to construct Stride bus rapid transit (BRT) infrastructure for Sound Transit. Sound Transit is hosting this event to give details on the contracting process, describe the design and construction features of the various projects comprising the Stride program, share anticipated procurement timelines, and encourage construction companies to network and form teams. Contractors of all sizes, including small and disadvantaged business enterprises (S/DBEs), are encouraged to attend.

Stride program details

Sound Transit's Stride Bus Rapid Transit will be a new, fast, frequent and reliable bus service, connecting to light rail and to communities north, east and south of Lake Washington. Like light rail service, Stride is designed for convenient, fast travel, with off-board fare payment and multiple door entry and exit. New bus lanes and transit priority improvements will help riders avoid traffic. The upcoming Stride construction contracts will range from $5 million to $230 million.

Event details

Industry Day event will take place on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at the Sound Transit office in Seattle, WA. Invitations to bid on the Stride construction contracts will be issued as early as July 2024.

The event will include a presentation, networking opportunity, refreshments, and opportunities to talk to project leads.

Please register for Industry Day by Friday, April 19, 2024. Each interested attendee should register individually to help us get an accurate count for the event requirements. More information will be provided to registrants as the event date approaches.

Register here

Sound Transit is a government agency and all Industry Day documents, including contact information, handouts, photos, and videos are considered public records, and are subject to public review through the Public Disclosure Act.

By registering for this event, you consent to sharing your contact information, including name, title, company, primary office location, email, and phone number as part of an attendee list posted online and distributed at the event.