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New construction activities at Maple Leaf Portal

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As soon as Thursday, Nov. 21, crews working to build Sound Transit's Northgate Link light rail extension's Maple Leaf Portal will begin work in several new areas.  

Utility work on NE 92nd Street bridge Crews will relocate utilities that run beneath the bridge for up to two months.  

Crews will work Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on NE 92nd between Corliss Avenue N and First Avenue NE. This work will require occasional lane closures on NE 92nd Street with flag crews alternating traffic.  

Crews will also work beneath the bridge at night, requiring I-5 lane closures between 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., Monday through Friday. Nighttime work is not anticipated to rise above the noise level of the freeway.       

Soldier pile installation near NE 94th Street 
Crews will install solider piles to support the walls of the Maple Leaf Portal excavation. This daytime activity is unavoidably louder than other typical construction noise. Nearby residents may hear a periodic clanging noise. Crews expect pile installation to take approximately three months.   

Utility work at First Avenue NE and NE 95th Street 
Crews will work during the day in the intersection. Crews will flag traffic around the work.  

Construction staging on First Avenue NE between NE 90th and NE 92nd streets 
Construction crews will use the area between the west side of First Avenue NE and the WSDOT noise wall to store equipment and materials through 2017. Crews will install a screening and security fence before using the area.