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Bellevue Downtown Station

Affected routes:
ST 566

Get on/off at:
The temporary stop on 110 Ave NE, just south of NE 6th St (SB)

Affected routes:
271 to Issaquah
ST 556 to Issaquah

Get on/off at:

Route 271
Stop #85630 Bellevue Transit Center - Bay 1 (SB)

Route ST556
The temporary stop on 110 Ave NE, just south of NE 6th St (SB)
Affected routes:

ST Express 532
ST Express 535
ST Express 556
ST Express 560
ST Express 566

Get on/off buses at:

ST Express 556
The temporary stop on 110 Ave NE, just south of NE 6th St (SB)

ST Express 560
Bellevue Transit Center Bay 12, located on 108th Avenue & NE 6th Street

ST Express 566
The temporary stop on 110 Ave NE, just south of NE 6th St (SB)
Get on/off at:
Bellevue Transit Center- Bay 12

Bay 12 is located on 108th Avenue & NE 6th Street at Bellevue Transit Center.