Redmond Technology Station
Sound Transit will operate on a modified service schedule Monday, February 17, due to President's Day.
In effect: Feb. 17-18
Routes: 1 Line, 2 Line & T Line
Beginning January 17, Sound Transit will be conducting operator qualifications from Redmond Technology Station to Downtown Redmond Station for 2 Line extension training.
In effect: Jan. 17, 12:30 p.m.
Routes: 2 Line
Passengers will be required to exit trains at Redmond Technology Station to allow train operators to continue to Downtown Redmond Station. Redmond Technology Station will continue to be the terminus station for the 2 Line until this portion of the 2 Line extension is completed later this year. During this time, station ETA’s may be unavailable to allow for operator training. Trains will follow the scheduled arrival frequency of every 10 minutes.