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Major milestone reached, project on schedule

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In November 2013, the Sound Transit Board identified a preferred light rail route and station alternative for further design and environmental study. This important milestone keeps the project on track to begin construction in 2018 and open by 2023.
The preferred light rail route and station alternative is based on several proposed options evaluated in the project's Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and public comments.

Identifying the preferred alternative is an important milestone that enables the project team to focus on advancing designs and refining analysis of environmental impacts and mitigation. These findings will be included in a Final EIS expected to be issued in early 2015.

Identification of the preferred alternative is not the final decision on the light rail route and stations for the Lynnwood Link Extension. The Sound Transit Board of Directors will confirm or modify the preferred alternative after taking into account the findings in the Final EIS, which may include using aspects of an alternative previously considered, and/or study options still under review. This final decision will occur after the Final EIS is published when the Board selects the project to be built and the Federal Transit Administration issues a Record of Decision.

The Final EIS will include the potential benefits, impacts and mitigation for all alternatives considered including those in the Draft EIS.