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Rail grinding on Northgate Link tunnel and guideway begins Sept 11

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As early as Wednesday, Sept. 11th, Sound Transit's contractor will begin grinding and polishing rail throughout the Northgate Link Extension tunnel and guideway. This work produces a smoother rail surface that improves safety, reduces noise, vibration, and long-term maintenance costs.

Rail grinding may produce noise and will produce sparks along the Northgate guideway, parallel to 1st Ave NE between NE 92nd to NE 107th Streets (see map). A Temporary Noise Variance (TNV) has been issued by the City of Seattle for this work.


Rail grinding in tunnel and along Northgate guideway parallel to 1st Ave NE. Single lane closure on portion of 1st Ave NE for loading/unloading rail grinding equipment.  


Wednesday, Sept. 11th – Friday, Sept. 20th, 4 p.m. – 1 a.m. (including Saturday and Sunday nights).


Rail grinding and polishing will occur along the entire Northgate Link Extension railway. Nearby residents adjacent to the guideway on 1st Ave NE between NE 92nd to NE 107th Streets may hear noise and see sparks from the work. Single lane closure on 1st Ave NE between NE 92nd and NE 100th Streets (see map).


Large construction equipment includes a crane, rail profiling machine, and vacuum trucks. The rail profiling machines, equipped with grinding wheels, will travel slowly up and down the tracks. The vacuum trucks will follow behind the rail profiling machines. 


Please proceed cautiously and follow the directions of the flaggers.

Map of lane closure for rail grinding at Northgate Station.