The Ballard Link Extension will provide fast, reliable light rail connections to dense residential and job centers throughout the region. A new downtown Seattle light rail tunnel will also provide capacity for the entire regional system to operate efficiently. Stay engaged and let us know what you think.
Project update
A look back at Ballard Link’s 2024
Thank you to everyone who engaged with us in 2024. It was a busy year as we advanced the Ballard Link Extension (BLE) project through the planning process. Our efforts included hosting info sessions…
Project update
Reminder: BLE scoping comment period ends Dec. 9
Thank you to those who have participated in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) scoping comment period for the Ballard Link Extension. Materials from our in-person scoping meetings can be…
Project update
Learn more about CID additional studies
In March 2023, the Sound Transit Board (Board) adopted motion M2023-18 which identified a preferred alternative for the Ballard Link Extension project. As part of this motion, the…
Ballard Link Extension scoping meeting
Short presentation at 5:30 p.m. ASL interpretation will be provided.Refreshments and activities for children will be provided.
Project update
Coming soon: Chinatown-International District (CID) Additional Study Results
In March 2023, the Sound Transit Board (Board) adopted motion M2023-18 which identified a preferred alternative for the Ballard Link Extension project. As part of this motion, the Board also directed…