Board of Directors
The 18-member Sound Transit Board includes elected officials and the Secretary of the Washington State Department of Transportation.

Board committees

The Sound Transit Board has permanent committees that focus on different areas of agency business:

Board meetings are on the fourth Thursday of each month from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Additional meetings take place as needed.

The Executive Committee's responsibilities include oversight and review of board rules and structure, agency policies, legislative planning, government relations and communications strategies. The committee also evaluates systemwide program strategies and budgets and the CEO's performance. The committee has the authority to approve transactions for systemwide programs that exceed the CEO's level of authority and are under $50 million.

2024 Executive Committee Work Plan

Meeting schedule: Executive Committee meetings are the first Thursday of each month from 10:30 a.m. to noon.

Executive Committee members: Dow Constantine (Chair), Dave Somers (Vice Chair), Nancy Backus, Claudia Balducci, Bruce Dammeier, Bruce Harrell, Cassie Franklin, Roger Millar, Kim Roscoe

The Rider Experience and Operations Committee oversees the agency's operating plans and transit services as well as activities and communications affecting the rider experience. The committee recommends the annual service delivery and agency administration budgets, and system enhancement, state of good repair project budgets to the Finance and Audit Committee and/or board. The committee has the authority to approve operating and administration transactions that exceed the CEO's level of authority and are under $50 million.

2024 Rider Experience and Operations Committee Work Plan

Meeting schedule: Rider Experience and Operations Committee meetings are the first Thursday of each month from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

Committee members: Kristina Walker (Chair), Ed Prince (Vice Chair), Angela Birney, Christine Frizzell, Kim Roscoe, Dave Upthegrove, Pete von Reichbauer, Girmay Zahilay

The System Expansion Committee oversees projects that expand transit options in the region including scope, budget, schedule and construction activities, and strategies for project development and delivery. The committee recommends system expansion project budgets to the Finance and Audit Committee and/or board. The committee has the authority to approve system expansion program transactions that exceed the CEO's level of authority and are under $50 million.

2024 System Expansion Committee Work Plan

Meeting schedule: System Expansion Committee meetings are the second Thursday of each month from 1:30 to 4 p.m.

Committee members: Claudia Balducci (Chair), Kim Roscoe (Vice Chair), Nancy Backus, Angela Birney, Cassie Franklin, Bruce Harrell, Jim Kastama, Dan Strauss, Dave Somers

The Finance and Audit Committee is responsible for the oversight/review of the agency's financial plan, financial statements, internal and external audits and internal controls. The committee also reviews strategies for asset liability management, investments, debt and risks, and approves performance audits to be conducted by the Internal Audit Division. The committee recommends the annual budget to the Board upon recommendations from other committees. 

2024 Finance and Audit Committee Work Plan

Meeting schedule: The Finance and Audit Committee meetings are the second Thursday of the month from 10:30 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. in March, May, July, September, October, and December.

Committee members: Nancy Backus (Chair), Bruce Dammeier (Vice Chair), Dow Constantine, Christine Frizzell, Ed Prince, Kristina Walker, Girmay Zahilay