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Advisory Groups make recommendations

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Last month, the Stakeholder Advisory Group and Elected Leadership Group each met to review feedback from the public, organizations and government agencies as part of the scoping comment period, as well as findings from the Level 3 Racial Equity Toolkit analysis. This information helped inform both groups' recommendations on what to study as part of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS). The Level 3 recommendations from the Stakeholder Advisory Group and Elected Leadership Group can be reviewed online.

Recommendations in the homestretch

This month, on May 23, the Sound Transit Board of Directors will mark the next milestone in the alternatives development process by identifying the preferred alternative and other alternatives to study in the Draft EIS. Before that, the Board's System Expansion Committee will meet on May 9.

Both meetings are open to the public — if you are interested in attending, find more details here.

Thank you for your participation!

Thanks to everyone who took the time to attend a public meeting, explore our online open house and provide feedback during our alternatives development process — we could not have done this without the interest and participation from future riders like you!

This phase may be coming to a close, but our work is far from over! We'll keep you in the loop about future opportunities to get involved, and we hope you'll follow along as our project continues into the next phase, environmental review.

We'll also be out and about this summer to share updates and hear from you — keep an eye out for us at your local community festival.

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