
Editorial style guide.

A consistent voice

Sound Transit’s editorial style helps maintain a consistent quality standard in all public communications. When producing public materials, it is important that naming and style conventions, as well as tone and design, remain consistent throughout all content produced (newsletters, brochures, website information, meeting materials, etc.).

To maintain this consistency, Sound Transit asks all employees and consultants to follow the agency’s style guidelines. Please write accurately, clearly and concisely to better engage our customers, build public trust and provide superior customer service.

Editorial Style Guide

Sound Transit's Editorial Style Guide is available for download below. In addition, Sound Transit follows the Associated Press Stylebook and Washington plain talk standards. Please contact a Sound Transit editor if you have questions.


Boilerplate text

Printed materials for broad distribution to the public and employees should include a version of the following statements. If you are unsure which statements to include on your communications product, ask Sound Transit’s editorial team.


Sound Transit
Union Station
401 S. Jackson St.
Seattle, WA 98104-2826
1-800-201-4900 / toll free 1-888-889-6368 / TTY Relay: 711
Email main@soundtransit.org

Contact information

General: For information about Sound Transit projects or services, visit us online at soundtransit.org or call 1-800-201-4900 / TTY Relay: 711

Rider information: For more information and schedules, call toll free 1-888-889-6368 / TTY Relay: 711 or visit soundtransit.org.

Projects: For more information about (insert project name or topic), contact (insert contact name) at (insert phone) or (insert e-mail). Or visit us online at soundtransit.org/system-expansion

ADA statements

Printed materials: For information in alternative formats call 1-800-201-4900 / TTY Relay: 711, or e-mail accessibility@soundtransit.org.

Meeting announcements: To request accommodations for persons with disabilities, call 1-206-689-4927 / TTY Relay: 711, or e-mail accessibility@soundtransit.org.

Non-English statement

Printed materials: To receive information in [language] about [project] call 1-800-823-9230

Meeting announcements

Interpretative services can be arranged with sufficient notice by calling 1-800-823-9230.

Service schedules


Construction hotline

If you have concerns or complaints about construction activities, please call the 24-hour construction hotline at 1-888-689-4927

Rider alerts

Sign up to receive Rider Alerts via text or email at soundtransit.org/alerts

Social media

Connect with us (include icons for X, Facebook and Instagram)