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Temporary sidewalk closures on NE 43rd St and Brooklyn Ave NE

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Starting as early as Wednesday, March 11, Sound Transit's contractor will replace portions of sidewalk on both Northeast 43rd Street and Brooklyn Avenue Northeast. Crews will demolish and remove the existing pavement and then pour the new sidewalk. Access to businesses and residences will be maintained at all times.


Work will begin as early as Wednesday, March 11 and is expected to last approximately two weeks. *Work is weather dependent and dates and times are subject to change.


Northeast 43rd Street and Brooklyn Avenue Northeast. 


  • Equipment including jackhammers, compaction equipment, and vactor trucks.
  • Noise from breaking up and removing the existing sidewalk.
  • Sidewalk closures and detours.
  • Access to businesses and residences will be maintained.
Map showing temporary sidewalk closures on Northeast 43rd Street and Brooklyn Avenue Northeast.